[Fwd: K2/100 Usable for Winlink 2000?]

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[Fwd: K2/100 Usable for Winlink 2000?]

Jim Campbell-8
A little less than a month ago I posted a query to the Elecraft list
with the same Subject line.  I received a very useful reply form Bert,
PA0LPE, telling me that a German ham had modified a K2 to allow the
low-level audio to be taken from and sent to the K2.  He even sent me a
link to a website (written in German) that told how to do it.  After
another kind ham told me of a website that did machine translation, I
was able to modify my own K2.  I also ordered an SCS PTC-2usb modem.  It
took me about two weeks to do all the modifications and to get things
working, but the answer to my question is "Yes, the K2/100 is usable for
Winlink 2000".  The Airmail software is able to control the K2, changing
bands and setting the correct frequency for the desired station.  I was
able to connect to a PMBO and send a test message late this afternoon.

Now, having done that, I would be happy to share with anyone interested
just how I got everything to work.


Jim - W4BQP
ARES EC, Spartanburg Co., SC

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