[Fwd: K2 and Logger 32]

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[Fwd: K2 and Logger 32]

Brian Mury-3
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Mike Walkington <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email], [hidden email]
Subject: K2 and  Logger 32
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 21:03:00 +1000


Feel free to post this to the Elecraft reflector.  I had to send it directly
because I have outsmarted myself with respect to e-mail addresses since I
moved from Seattle to Australia. I only just noticed that I have subscribed
to elecraft with an e-mail address that I can no longer use to send e-mail.

Anyway, I have been using my K2 and Logger 32 for 12 months or so (using
Kenwood settings as suggested) and I love it.  Logger 32 is a great program.
My only problem is that I installed it under XP home edition using an admin
account and I have problems opening it in a user account.  I have not got to
the bottom of this yet and the Logger 32 forum has not yet touched on this


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