[Fwd: [NCCC] T32 K2 report]

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[Fwd: [NCCC] T32 K2 report]

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [NCCC] T32
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 22:59:57 +0000
From: Alan Eshleman <doctore@w...
To: [hidden email]

Here's the T32 report:

Doug (N6TQS) and I with our respective XYLs arrived on Christmas Island
on December 7.  Christmas Island is a 5-hour flight by jet prop from
Honolulu.  The primary purpose of the trip was diving, but we brought a
couple of K2/100s with the intent of making some QSOs here and there and
handing out the T32 multiplier during the 10 Meter contest.  Doug did
RTTY as T32QS.  I did CW as T32CK.

The diving was great.  One of the many thrills was hanging onto an
outrigger while the boat sailed through a pod of dolphins.  Mantas, lion
fish, sharks, and healthy coral.  Christmas Island has them all in

Christmas Island was a black hole when it came to ten meters.  Our plan
was to sign T32CK as a M/S entry.  Doug managed 52 SSB QSOs and I added
a single CW contact.  Of course, during the best parts of the day for 10
meters (such as they were), I was out on the water with the
fishes.  Reading the postings to this reflector, I see that conditions
during this year's 10 meter contest pretty much sucked everywhere.  We
will submit our log.

The evenings were better.  Thirty and Forty meters were the best bands.
  I did about 1000 CW QSOs, including several NCCCers.  The mailbox is
already stuffed with QSL requests.

Kim Anderson, originally from Modesto, runs the dive operation on the
island.  Over the years, visiting hams have left their gear with Kim to
store for their return.  Kim was able to loan us a Hustler vertical and
an R7000 vertical, both of which were excellent antennas when placed
close to  the surf.  I never got around to putting up any of the wires
I'd brought.  As I did on the T33 expedition, I continue to marvel at
what a great little radio the K2 is.

If any of you are contemplating a trip to Christmas Island that includes
radio, I can give you a few suggestions for getting licensed and what
bungalow to request at the Captain Cook Hotel.

And throughout the vacation, my DX anxiety was very low because I had
worked the VU4 operation *before* I left home!


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