Nov/Dec 2017 QEX has a very nice article by W4ENE on how typical male voice
waveform asymmetries will cause peak-riding ALC to unnecessarily limit
average power even through compression and other technologies.
I myself had noticed that my voice on an oscilloscope or as seen in
Audacity, has these extreme asymmetries, even larger than the examples
given by W4ENE.
W3AM has a very nice web page on the subject too:
There he illustrates a simple op-amp all pass network that has substantial
phase shift across the male speech bandwidth to “break up” the asymmetry.
With links to the Kahn Symmetra-Peak, a broadcast radio unit that dates
back the 1960’s.
I’m gonna be building some hardware for myself soon!
Originally posted by Tim N3QE to PVRC list.
jim ab3cv
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