Fwd: Re: KX1 PSK31?

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Fwd: Re: KX1 PSK31?

Charles Greene

I had a plan last year to convert my PSK20 to a PSK/CW rig.  I was going to
add a VXO Xtal oscillator about 10 Khz lower in frequency than the existing
oscillator so that the output would be14060 instead of 14070.  A switch
would select the VXO or normal xtal and provision for a constant carrier
would be added.  Would work on both RX and TX.  Pretty simple modification;
I even bought the parts, but I didn't have a Round Tuet.  I'm glad I didn't
do it because I now have a KX1, so I can carry both a KX1 and PSK20 (and
Laptop) if I want to operate both.  Come to think of it, I might as well
carry my K2 which isn't much heavier and everything is in one box including
the battery, I have at least 5 watts on CW and PSK31, and it saves a lot of
interconnecting cable, spare batteries and such.  What we really need is a
uK2 with an output of 2 to 3 watts, maybe the size of a K1, and covering
20, 30 and 40.  As for other modes, if a rig will transmit PSK31 using a
computer sound card, it will also do RTTY, MFSK, etc. with equal ease.

73's agn

Chas  W1CG

>At 03:32 PM 10/2/2004, you wrote:
>>When I was tuning around today on my KX1, I heard the usual strong warble
>>around 14.070 and I got the brilliant idea to: plug a patch cord from the
>>KX1 headphone output to my soundcard input, launch PSK31 Deluxe, crack
>>open the AF gain, and boom, 5 QSOs popped up right away.
>>I know the thinking on omitting an SSB option from the KX1 is because
>>voice doesn't typically work reliably below about 10W, and an SSB board
>>wouldn't fit in the KX1 case.  But like CW, PSK31 can work like a champ
>>even at 100s of mW.
>>So how about an Elecraft-designed-and-produced *outboard* SSB adapter for
>>the KX1, designed specifically for PSK31?  On biz trips, I usually have
>>my KX1 and laptop--it would be great to take along one more little black
>>box and be able to work PSK31, while making use of the KX1's KXAT1
>>capability to match a hotel room random wire on multiple bands.  (The
>>Small Wonder Labs PSK series looks exceedingly cool, but is rock-bound to
>>a single band and requires an external tuner for non-resonant antennas.)
>>Good idea?  Dumb idea?

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