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G4ILO's Shack has moved

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G4ILO's Shack has moved

82 posts
This is to notify those interested that my website is no longer at qsl.net.
It is now on my work webserver at http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo .

While I was transferring it, I took the opportunity to update it with the
most recent version of K2Net, my software for using a K2 remotely across a
network. Due to lack of time, it isn't as finished or as tested as I would
have liked, but it's as finished and tested as it's going to be for a
while, so I thought that people might like the opportunity to try to use

73 de
Julian, G4ILO. (RSGB, ARRL, K2 #392)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

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