G4ZPY paddle and another

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G4ZPY paddle and another

Yes, Gordon is producing keys again.  They are very nice for sure.  I had a VHS for 15 years, but recently sold it.  I bought a hand made key by Alberto Frattini, I1QOD, for about the same price and like it better.  Alberto, I understand is the European High Speed champ and a retired machinest.  He also makes a miniature version appropriate for QRP and travel, though i haven't seen it, and a bug!  To my knowledge only three of his paddles are in the US now.  Mine is serial # 0055, "double nickel."

You can write Alberto at < [hidden email] >  He doesn't have a website.  I would be happy if you mentioned my call sign if you write him, but please know, I have no connection, financial or other wise, just passing along another source of outstanding hand made paddles.  e-mail me directly for a pix if you like.


trustee, W5YA, High Desert Wireless QRP Ass'n
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