I wonder how a whole class of students, some
with potentially no electronics or mechanical
skills - could do, building a K2 HF Transceiver?
Who would ride herd over them, steer them,
and check their work as they soldered and placed
100's and 100's of electronic and mechanical
parts in place, in the correct order, position,
and polarity?
You might have better success, and a considerably
better communications radio, by going with the
K3 - even the 10watt model, with SSB and etc.
For under $1400 - you'd have a much better
radio. And one wouldn't have to be concerned
with 35 students and their associated
soldering skills. :) :( Rather than solder
all class long - they could study, and
be presented the theory and idea behind each
of the K3 pre-built modules.
Just a thot .....
Long long time back, I took a 10-week Electronics
course in Ft. Erie, Canada - and there we each
built a simple superhetrodyne AM radio. Very
simple, and it even had tubes. But we learned
the electronics theory about each item, as
we built that radio.
That simple course sparked something in me,
and I went to attend the Univ. of Buffalo's
SUNY EE School - and did right well
there, graduated in 73.
Good luck on your fine educational class!
Sounds like a fun job
Fred, de N3CSY FL/NY
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