Good luck to all on Field Day...

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Good luck to all on Field Day...

wayne burdick
Field Day is my favorite contest, as I'm sure is true of many of you on
the list. Have a great time!

Looks like I'm going to attempt a solo KX1 effort, running from
internal batteries and operating from Edgewood Park in Redwood City,
CA. My wife is due any day now, so she won't let me spend the night  ;)



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Re: Good luck to all on Field Day...

Buddy Brannan
On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 10:50:31PM -0700, wayne burdick wrote:
> Looks like I'm going to attempt a solo KX1 effort, running from
> internal batteries and operating from Edgewood Park in Redwood City,
> CA. My wife is due any day now, so she won't let me spend the night  ;)

Congrats, Wayne! I, too, will attempt a KX1 solo effort with the
lithium batteries and a hunk of wahr run up a crappie pole...assuming
I get my crappie pole tomorrow...set up in the park just down the road
a bit. Melanie and I will take the dogs (working and retired) for the
afternoon on Saturday; I won't be sleeping over either--likely will
only be doing a few hours' worth, and may put the crappie pole and
wire up in my backyard in the evening for fun, too. This'll be the
first FD I've been able to get in on in a while, and I'm looking
forward to a bit of FD CW QRP fun :)

Maybe I'll work you. Could happen.

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV
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