Something else you may wish to consider is your house
wiring. Older and some newer homes are not wired to
code. If you can borrow one (assuming you don't want
to run to Home Depot and buy one) get a outlet
checker. This little device will tell you if your
outlets are wired correctly and grounded. I had to fix
several of my outlets, but this is a vintage
"Manhattan Project" house. Sadly, we've found the same
problem in new construction as well.
You should also get a ground rod and some buss wire
and tie all your equipment together using the shortest
leads possible. This will not only help your RFI
problems, but add a degree of safety from static
Although you may not "see" the problems with a QRP
operation, they are still there. Correcting the issues
will help improve your QRP activities from home as
There were a lot of good suggestions already. You can
also go to the WX0B site, where there is a lot of good
info, check the ARRL or RSGB handbooks, and there are
a number of excellent websites when you search for "RF
A good ground makes a heck of a difference!
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