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The list has sustained a fairly long thread regarding grounding,
lightning, NEC, and a myriad of related and semi-related subjects.  For
those with interest as this thread goes off-list:

Jim, K9YC, references Henry Ott in a couple of his web articles on
grounding.  Ott coined the phrase, "The hidden schematic behind the
ground symbol."  It turns out that the ground symbol [and ground in the
real circuit/system] is a lot like infinity.  We can't help but think of
it as a defined place -- unfortunately, it isn't, and lots can happen on
the way down that yellow brick road.  So it is with grounding and radio.

I highly recommend Jim's articles to anyone about to build Elecraft gear
[or any other as well], or who is concerned about his/her station
safety.  They apply to any situation where a static charge could destroy
or damage something [or kill you], from shuffling your feet on the
carpet on a dry day to multi-gigavolt electrical displays in the sky, to
how hum and noise find themselves into your transceiver, all because of
that schematic behind the ground symbol.   scroll to the bottom and click on the
Publications link.

Usual Disclaimer:  Jim's a friend, I know he is *very good* at this
stuff, he offers it free, and I have no financial interest in his
group.  I just really don't want to hear about an electrocuted ham radio


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA
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