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Patrick DalPorto
On my K2/100 I have set the HI CUR to 3.5 but get warnings on some higher bands.  The manual says HI CUR should be set to at least 3.5.  Can anyone recommend what a typical value should be and what value I should not go beyond.
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Don Wilhelm-2
You will probably have to find the correct value by trial and error.  I
would recommend setting CAL CUR to 4.0 (which conforms to the 'at least 3.5'
instruction) - or even more and then lower it one step at a time until the
message re-appears - more likely on 10, 12 or 15 meters.  The actual setting
will depend heavily on your power supply voltage - lower PS voltage requires
a higher CAL CUR setting.

Once set in that manner, it serves as a quick indicator that the power
should be reduced - because the SWR is higher than it should be, or the
power supply voltage has dropped, etc.
This is normally not an indication of a K2 problem.


----- Original Message -----

On my K2/100 I have set the HI CUR to 3.5 but get warnings on some higher
bands.  The manual says HI CUR should be set to at least 3.5.  Can anyone
recommend what a typical value should be and what value I should not go

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David A. Belsley
In reply to this post by Patrick DalPorto
   3.5 is a pretty good value, and I am surprised it is not high enough
for you.  You don't tell us what sort of SWR the amp is facing when
this is happening or what the power supply voltage is dropping to under

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

On Sep 7, 2004, at 10:31 PM, Patrick DalPorto wrote:

> On my K2/100 I have set the HI CUR to 3.5 but get warnings on some
> higher bands.  The manual says HI CUR should be set to at least 3.5.  
> Can anyone recommend what a typical value should be and what value I
> should not go beyond.
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John Huffman
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-2
After adding the KPA100 I had some HI CUR warnings.  After a few emails back and
forth, I set my CAL CUR to 4.1 and its been that way for over a year and a few
thousand QSOs.


73 de NA8M

> On my K2/100 I have set the HI CUR to 3.5 but get warnings on some higher
> bands.  The manual says HI CUR should be set to at least 3.5.  Can anyone
> recommend what a typical value should be and what value I should not go
> beyond.

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