Hacked Emails

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Hacked Emails

stan levandowski
A few weeks ago my email address got "hacked" too.  First time it ever
happened to me.  Quite disturbing to say the least!

I am retired.  This Elecraft list is the only list I subscribe too.  I
get very few emails and I never open one that doesn't come from someone
I know (other than those from this list).

So now I'm wondering if the recent email address "hackings" that have
been discussed on this list over the last 6 - 8 weeks are a product of
this list?

Just a thought coming from a retired IBM systems programmer whose
ancient knowledge of assembler language, and computers-as-big-as
ranch-houses, doesn't  transfer to today's complex, web-based
interactive computing environment.

When I got hacked, the hacker accessed by "Sent" history file and resent
inquiry emails to selected ham radio suppliers, even changing all the
dates to September 10.  This caused quite a bit of confusion when
suppliers I dealt with over a year ago were being asked "by me" to trace
lost shipments, give a price quote, etc.

I was unable to find any evidence of emails being resent to any targets
other than ham radio suppliers.

That's what makes this seem so strange....


Stan Levandowski WB2LQF
HF QRP CW -- Doing more with less for over 50 years!
QCWA #35038   OOTC #4558   NAQCC #4740   SKCC #6488   FISTS #14992
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