Hakko 808 Tips

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Hakko 808 Tips

Jim Brown-10
I'm ready to pick up the phone to order both a soldering station and
the 808 de-soldering tool, but I'm stuck where I was the last time I
was ready to do this -- I don't know what tips to order for the 808!
There are some excellent notes on the website re  the 936, so it
looks like I want to buy a 1.2D, 2.4D, 3.2D, and S3. Right?

Do I need a stand for the 808?
BTW -- kiesub seems to have the best price on all of this stuff --
at least 10% below test equipment.net.

Jim Brown  K9YC

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RE: Hakko 808 Tips

Robert McGwier
You mean tips for the 936?  The 808 I have is a one size fits all and
it is strictly for plate through holes unless great care is taken.
For SMD I would use solder wick and/or a cutting tool!

Those are both great tools.  At the same time get some tiny solder.
I use 0.015 and 0.020 for kit building.  With 0.015 it is pretty hard
to flow too much solder unless you are really trying.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 7:46 PM
To: Elecraft List
Subject: [Elecraft] Hakko 808 Tips

I'm ready to pick up the phone to order both a soldering station and
the 808 de-soldering tool, but I'm stuck where I was the last time I
was ready to do this -- I don't know what tips to order for the 808!
There are some excellent notes on the website re  the 936, so it
looks like I want to buy a 1.2D, 2.4D, 3.2D, and S3. Right?

Do I need a stand for the 808?
BTW -- kiesub seems to have the best price on all of this stuff --
at least 10% below test equipment.net.

Jim Brown  K9YC

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RE: Hakko 808 Tips

Robert McGwier
In reply to this post by Jim Brown-10
Ooops.  I just saw that you CAN buy different nozzles.  Since the
default one has always worked for me, I didn't even know there
were alternatives.

Maybe someone can illuminate us both?


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 7:46 PM
To: Elecraft List
Subject: [Elecraft] Hakko 808 Tips

I'm ready to pick up the phone to order both a soldering station and
the 808 de-soldering tool, but I'm stuck where I was the last time I
was ready to do this -- I don't know what tips to order for the 808!
There are some excellent notes on the website re  the 936, so it
looks like I want to buy a 1.2D, 2.4D, 3.2D, and S3. Right?

Do I need a stand for the 808?
BTW -- kiesub seems to have the best price on all of this stuff --
at least 10% below test equipment.net.

Jim Brown  K9YC

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Re: Hakko 808 Tips

Jim Larsen - AL7FS
In reply to this post by Jim Brown-10
I think NĂ˜SS did a nice job writing up Hakko 808 info.

Check out: http://www.n0ss.net/hakko_808_notes.pdf

73, Jim
Jim Larsen

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RE: Hakko 808 Tips

Tom Hammond-3
In reply to this post by Robert McGwier
I just sent the following to Jim.  For what it might be worth to anyone else.


Tom   N0SS

For the Hakko 808 Desoldering gun, consider also ordering a couple
additional nozzles:

A1394 This is a long (0.434"), slender (0.090") nozzle which will
       allow you to get into places the fatter tips won't. It is
       particularly handy when you are working on PC boards which
       are pretty tightly packed AND which have some of their
       components mounted on the bottom of the PC board with the
       soldered pads in and among the tightly packed components on
       the top side. Because it is long and slender, this is a
       'delicate' nozzle, and probably NOT one you would want to
       leave on the desoldering tool when you do not need to use

A1396 This is a short/fat nozzle, similar to the nozzle provided
       with the Hakko 808 when it is originally purchased.
       However, this nozzle has a 0.091" inside diameter, so it
       will suffice for removing most, if not all, of the
       connectors used on most PC boards. Some of these connectors
       use flat lug-type leads, instead of wire leads, which can
       be particularly difficult to remove if you find you must
       remove the connector itself. Of course, it also works well
       on the larger diameter leads of big diodes, etc.

At 02:17 PM 2/21/05, Robert McGwier wrote:

>Ooops.  I just saw that you CAN buy different nozzles.  Since the
>default one has always worked for me, I didn't even know there
>were alternatives.
>Maybe someone can illuminate us both?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [hidden email]
>[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Jim Brown
>Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 7:46 PM
>To: Elecraft List
>Subject: [Elecraft] Hakko 808 Tips
>I'm ready to pick up the phone to order both a soldering station and
>the 808 de-soldering tool, but I'm stuck where I was the last time I
>was ready to do this -- I don't know what tips to order for the 808!
>There are some excellent notes on the website re  the 936, so it
>looks like I want to buy a 1.2D, 2.4D, 3.2D, and S3. Right?
>Do I need a stand for the 808?
>BTW -- kiesub seems to have the best price on all of this stuff --
>at least 10% below test equipment.net.
>Jim Brown  K9YC
>Elecraft mailing list
>Post to: [hidden email]
>You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>  http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
>Elecraft mailing list
>Post to: [hidden email]
>You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>  http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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RE: Hakko 808 Tips

Robert McGwier
This group is terrific.  I have been using my Hakko and too dumb to
consider alternative tips, even when it was clear they would be very
handy to have.

I have ordered my four favorites from Kiesub.

Thanks to all!


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Hammond [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:52 PM
To: Robert McGwier; Elecraft List
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Hakko 808 Tips

I just sent the following to Jim.  For what it might be worth to anyone


Tom   N0SS

For the Hakko 808 Desoldering gun, consider also ordering a couple
additional nozzles:

A1394 This is a long (0.434"), slender (0.090") nozzle which will
       allow you to get into places the fatter tips won't. It is
       particularly handy when you are working on PC boards which
       are pretty tightly packed AND which have some of their
       components mounted on the bottom of the PC board with the
       soldered pads in and among the tightly packed components on
       the top side. Because it is long and slender, this is a
       'delicate' nozzle, and probably NOT one you would want to
       leave on the desoldering tool when you do not need to use

A1396 This is a short/fat nozzle, similar to the nozzle provided
       with the Hakko 808 when it is originally purchased.
       However, this nozzle has a 0.091" inside diameter, so it
       will suffice for removing most, if not all, of the
       connectors used on most PC boards. Some of these connectors
       use flat lug-type leads, instead of wire leads, which can
       be particularly difficult to remove if you find you must
       remove the connector itself. Of course, it also works well
       on the larger diameter leads of big diodes, etc.

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