Just for information, I ordered a Hakko desoldering
kit from per a recommendation on
this reflector. It arrived about a week after the
order, free shipping (well except for a $0.64
insurance charge hihi) as is going to be handy. A
reasonable price for a good tool.
The antenna wire saga was quite interesting to read.
You can see definite regional preferences (most likely
due to what is available in an area) Finding electric
fence wire and irrigation pipe (two popular antenna
materials) is difficult in many locations. One place
not mentioned as a good source for remnants is your
local junk yard, preferably the one that deals in
scrap metal versus junk cars. Construction site
dumpsters are good spots also, if you don't mind
"recycling" and they don't mind you taking it. Both
may have other surprises that would be useful in
constructing an inexpensive antenna, or adding to your
radial system. After all, it's all about building
isn't it? ;o)
Finally sorted out my KPA100 problem with lack of
proper control from the K2. Seems that one of the
1N5711 diodes was behaving intermittently, as they
both tested good, in and out of the circuit. This was
done after removing T4 (not a fun task!). I replaced
both diodes and installed them on the bottom to
facilitate easy removal in case they get zapped. All I
can figure is that a spike during the storm must have
made it down the antenna line. It's working, I'm happy
and very greatful for the support from folks here.
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