Hakko 808

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Hakko 808

Jeremiah McCarthy
Several manufacturers sell the "coiled spring" type of soldering iron holder...I have seen them in RS too...If this type stand is too "tippy", it can be screwed onto a small board...I have an old heavy duty holder made by Hexacon that stands by itself...I would steer clear of using pipes...It will not allow good air circulation and might lead to early heater failure and tip burning due to overheating...Just my thoughts...73

Jerry, wa2dkg
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Re: Hakko 808

Don Wilhelm-3

----- Original Message -----
.I would steer clear of using pipes...It will not allow good air circulation
and might lead to early heater failure and tip burning due to
overheating...Just my thoughts...73

Jerry and all,

Since the heater in the Haako is temperature controlled, I do not have
concerns about the tip overheating.  Protecting the pipe from contact is my
primary concern.


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