HamCom TX booth help this weekend?

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HamCom TX booth help this weekend?

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Lerma and I are going to man an Elecraft booth the Hamcom convention (
http://www.hamcom.org/ ) in Arlington, TX, this weekend (Fri-Sat, 6/18-19). If
any of you would like to hang out at the booth showing off your rig and
meeting current and prospective Elecrafters, please email me
( [hidden email] ) and we'll set things up.

We appreciate any help we can get and you will get free food and an official
Elecraft engraved pocket knife as part of the deal. The more the merrier! Your
companionship really makes traveling to these shows an enjoyable experience
for us. (plus our voices will get a rest.. ;-)

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

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