Happy Field Day

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Happy Field Day

Larry Makoski W2LJ
Due to a family commitment, I will not be able to attend my local Field Day activities.  But I wish you all plenty of Q's, lots of sun and warm weather and most of all - NO MOSQUITOES !!!

73 de Larry W2LJ - Vivat Morse! © ®

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ARRL Lifemember  QRP ARCI #4488     NJQRP #47
FISTS #1469  QRP-L #778   FP #612  QRPp-I #759
ARS #1528,  AmQRP, CQC #746

K1 #1647  -  K2 #4090  for QRP
Icom IC-751A for QRO
Butternut HF9V and G5RV antennas
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