I thought I might pass this along to fellow K2 owners, that I have used an
old Heath Kit HS-1661 speaker with my K2 for 4 years now. I have tried a GE
Mobile speaker and several other speakers found at hamfests and a couple of
TV speakers and still like the HS-1661 the best. The HS-1661 has plenty of
volume (leave the volume control at 9 o'clock position) and sounds good. I
recently bought another at a hamfest for $15 to mount in a home brew wooden
case and save my original for my HW-101. You can usually find them at
hamfests for a good price of $15 to $20.
Just thought I'd pass this along.
Steve Ray K4JPN ex K1VKW
EM82ep Warner Robins GA
Elecraft K2 1422 & KPA-100
Heath Fan HW-101, HW-8
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