Help PA gone crazy - Problem solved

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Help PA gone crazy - Problem solved

Frank Nockemann
Hi everybody on the list,

my problems are solved!

CAL tPA menu entry was 255 degrees at room temperature and
the sidetone source was changed to U6-25 (right: U8-4).

But what about other entries (especially in the CAL PLL and
CAL FIL menues)? Are they possibly changed to wrong values.
Another question: Why were the values changed to the wrong
entries? That's not the normal Mojo, it's Murphy.

Because this changes happened in a time, i wasn't in the
shack, i do not know what happened with my k2.

Many thanks to Luc Favre (F6HJO) from Paris, who gave me
the right hint to look for the menue entries.

vy 73 de DH8DAP, Frank from Schwelm (abt 15km sw of
k2 # 1846

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