Help PA gone crazy

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Help PA gone crazy


Thanks for reading this.

Turned on and pressed the key and the warning 'PA hot ' has come up and then
'Hi refl' and the sidetone sounds garbled. The Fan has come on full.

Done some checks.
The voltage on the temp sensor point is zero but so is the voltage on '5B'
on pin 15 of U1 - so that is consistent. No error is shown on the PA menu

Now after about 30 mins the fan has just gone off and all seems to have gone
back to normal.

Set up is K2 ( version 2.04p 1.09) KPA100 ( 1.06), KAT100.

Any ideas ?



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Re: Help PA gone crazy

Hello Bob and fellow Elecrafters:

G3PJT wrote:

> Turned on and pressed the key and the warning 'PA hot ' has come up
and then
> 'Hi refl' and the sidetone sounds garbled. The Fan has come on full.
> Done some checks.
> The voltage on the temp sensor point is zero but so is the voltage on
> on pin 15 of U1 - so that is consistent. No error is shown on the PA
> entry.
> Now after about 30 mins the fan has just gone off and all seems to
have gone
> back to normal.
> Set up is K2 ( version 2.04p 1.09) KPA100 ( 1.06), KAT100.
> Any ideas ?
> 73
> Bob G3PJT

...I seem to have the same symptoms on infrequent occasion.  In
addition, when pressing the tune button, the K2 re-sets as if the power
had been cycled off..or the SWR is very high.  This is not the case
(high SWR), as the vast majority of time, the K2 tuner (KAT100) matches
to the antenna immediately and the radio functions flawlessly.

73, Mark, K2 #874

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