Help needed

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Help needed


My K2 serial number is 4288 with all options installed, except 100 Watts module.

When Antenna 2 is selected without any antenna connected to it, I push to tune button to try to tune it on 7Mhz band three times. Now there is not any output on 7 Mhz and only 3 watts output on 10 Mhz.

but receive is OK on bought frequencies.


K2 works perfectly on the other bands (I am using SCG 237 antenna coupler when I use it at my home).


How can I correct this? Any comment would be appreciated.


Ruchan Ozatay, TA2AH

K2-4288, KX1-156

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Re: Help needed

In view of what you said,

"When Antenna 2 is selected without any antenna connected to it, I push to
tune button to try to tune it on 7Mhz band three times. Now there is not any
output on 7 Mhz and only 3 watts output on 10 Mhz."

if this is what you meant, then by all means hook an antenna to position
Antenna2 and see what happens.

73, Joe, aa4nn

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