Help with T1

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Help with T1


How did you make out with your T1?  Have you finished it?  Does it work?  I read your thread with interest because I had just ordered a T1 myself.  

I just ran into the same soldering difficulty with relays K9-K15.  I'm no dummy with a soldering iron either.  I've built a K1, two K2s, W1, several Elecraft mini kits, Rock-Mites, and a few OHR kits.  

Removing several feet of the Kester 66/44 I'm using didn't help.  What seemed to work for me is to melt a big blob on the tip of the iron until I could see a good build up of flux.  Then wipe it clean and hit the solder pad.  Still not easy, but it worked.  By the way I can use the same piece of solder on any other connection and solder flows just fine.  I don't think it's a bad section of solder as some have suggested.  Yes, it seems to be lack of flux, but it seems that just those pads on k9-K15 need more flux for some reason.

We'll see if it works when I complete the kit.  

Thought you'd be interested in my experience.


Chuck K4QS

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Re: Help with T1

Eric Champine
Hey Chuck.
I have mine all done but I got very busy at work and have not had a chance
to try it out yet. I am thinking that if I could find some liquid flux and
apply it to the pads that may make it work better. After I removed a few
feet of solder it did get better but not like it should be. I was able to
solder the rest with no problem at all so I really don't think it is the
solder. All in all it was just a real pain but I got them done. I love to
solder and K9-K15 are not on my favorite list. It also could be something in
the manufacturing too. We'll have to see if others have the same problem and
then hope Elecraft does something about it. I hope yours turns out good.

73 de W2EEC

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