Hexkey Dust Cover

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Hexkey Dust Cover

While you're waiting for that custom plexiglass dust cover for your Hexkey,
try using a CD-pack plastic top as homebrew dust cover.  There's plenty of room
for the key, and they look great.

There are several types.  The crystal clear, hard acrylic top is more
difficult to cut, but looks nicer.  The "softer" PVC (?) top is a little opaque but
is much easier to cut.  These tops are too tall and need to be cut.  I use a
pair of compass dividers to scribe a line around the cover.  I cut off the
bottom of the cover so that it sits on the flat top of the Hexkey but doesn't come
all the way down to the table.  You can cut vertical slots in the side for
paddle arms and the cable.  Use a sharp utility knife to cut through the plastic
(takes many light passes).  BE CAREFUL, the knife can slip easily on the round
surface.  Using the compass dividers to scribe a line helps a lot.

I can't take credit for this idea, but it's inspired.  I've made 2 covers now
- one for my Elecraft/Bencher Hexkey, and one for a custom N5QVF key on a
circular base.

73, Jim K5HO

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