High Flying KX-1 Case

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High Flying KX-1 Case

Rick Tavan
I found a nifty case that just fits the KX-1, paddle, three pieces of wire
on two flat cardboard spools, a big machine nut for throwing the wire and a
sheet of paper explaining that the KX-1 is not a weapon. It's the current
run of toiletry kits from long Virgin Atlantic flights. Beige, rectangular,
with a double zipper and (marginal) internal slot pouch. FREE (unless you
count the cost of the ticket!). Extra feature is the pair of sleepy socks, one
of which serves well as scratch protection for the KX-1. The eye mask is
handy when you draw a day-sleeping shift at your next multi-op contest
effort. If your cabin doesn't include these delicacies, grab an abandoned
kit as you exit through the hoity-toity sections. Don't forget to donate
the leftover unused contents to your local homeless support group.


/Rick N6XI

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