2004 Fall QRP Homebrewer Sprint
Call used: WQ2RP Location: NJ
Category: Single Op All Band Mode: CW Power: 5W
Callsign of Operator(s): N2CQ
Exchanged Information: WQ2RP RST NJ 5W
Hours of Operation: 03:46
band QSOs points mults
160 0 0 0
80 13 26 10
40 28 112 16
20 15 60 9
15 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
TOTAL 56 198 x 35 X 7 Power = SCORE: 48,610
Club or Team Name: NJ QRP Club
K1-4 (20 & 40M) 5 Watts. Kenwood TS-850 5 watts 80 Meters.
Random wire & TA33jr tribander
Many thanks for the QSO's. I hope you enjoyed it!
I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for
amateur radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the
best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the
contest committee.
Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________
Name: Ken Newman
81 Holly Drive
Woodbury, NJ 08096
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