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How come I never see replies on this list but I do on mail-archive?

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How come I never see replies on this list but I do on mail-archive?

572 posts
Am I doing something wrong?  I thought Nabble was the starting point, but I see way more messages on mail-archive.
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Re: [META] How come I never see replies on this list but I do on mail-archive?

David Woolley (E.L)
524 posts
Babble just seem to have done a good marketing job.  The definitive
archive, to the extent that any archive is definitive, is the one
identified in the headers of every message actually sent to the list:

List-Archive: <http://mailman.qth.net/pipermail/elecraft/>

and the obvious one given the domain name of the reflector.

I suspect that Nabble are simply subscribed to the list as an ordinary
user without any specific cooperation from Elecraft.  mail-archive are
probably the same.  Nabble do appear to offer a web based email
submission mechanism for the list.

David Woolley
Registered owner K2 06123.

tomb18 wrote:

> Am I doing something wrong?  I thought Nabble was the starting point, but I
> see way more messages on mail-archive.
> Thanks

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