How many BALUNs can fit on the head of a pin?

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How many BALUNs can fit on the head of a pin?

Charles Bland

I am going to string a pair of ladder-fed dipoles and want to have the BALUNs
outside so I can use coax to get in the shack.

Can I place more than one BALUN in one physical enclosure? The enclosure that I
intend to use is plastic, "weather-proof", and measures 10"Wx10"Hx5"D. The
BALUNs are wound on a toroid.


Chuck Bland

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RE: How many BALUNs can fit on the head of a pin?

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
The fact that they are on toroid forms means that they are highly "self
shielded", so you shouldn't have any significant interaction between them.


-----Original Message-----
...Can I place more than one BALUN in one physical enclosure? The enclosure
that I
intend to use is plastic, "weather-proof", and measures 10"Wx10"Hx5"D. The
BALUNs are wound on a toroid.


Chuck Bland

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