If It weren't For Bad Luck

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If It weren't For Bad Luck

I have to tell you folks ever since K2 4595 arrived in mid-December it seems that a black cloud has settled over it. I know likely all the problems are of my own making but the frustration is ever mounting.

Received a new C24 for the RF board from Elecraft yesterday and after it was installed the rig came alive on 20 and 30 meters. I went to bed last night a happy camper with the idea of getting up this morning and tweaking the alignment. Got up this morning and powered up the rig. A rapid popping sound was coming out of the speaker regardless of band. Once in a while the rig will go into full receive then shortly thereafter the popping will resume. The S-meter is pegged during the popping sounds. The other strange thing is that the display intermittently switches between frequency, power setting and keyer speed however not necessarily in rapid succession.

I have to commend the Elecraft group on their service and willingness to help. You folks here on the reflector have been great too.

73, Ed N0EHQ
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