If cutting your own K1 backlight, a couple thoughts...

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If cutting your own K1 backlight, a couple thoughts...

Tom Hammond-3
Rowland (G4APO) wrote:

>Hi Tom
>Installed the backlight this evening. Trimmed 1/8th inch off with junior
>hacksaw and polished the end with some fine sandpaper.
>After cutting did have to remove a little fine debris from between the
>front and back white papers and the plastic light guide.
>Many Thanks

Though, for the sake of 'cleanliness', worrying about the condition of the
'cut' end of the backlight assembly is probably not a problem. Once the
light (initiated from the LED end of the assembly) hits the 'cut' end,
there's not much need (if any) to worry about where it goes from there. So
polishing the cut end should probably not be a big concern. Of course, it
won't hurt to polish things up, but it probably won't help either. Makes it
look nicer in our minds though... heheh!

It probably is more important to ensure that any 'sawdust' which remains
from the cutting operation has been removed from the backlight assembly
however. So please take just a bit of time to blow away any sawdust which
might remain.

Thanks for the note, Rowland.


Tom   N0SS

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