Intermittent KPA100 high output

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Intermittent KPA100 high output

Jeff Kinzli
I've been 'burning in' my new KPA100 this weekend in the ARRL DX contest.

I've noticed something strange though, it's very intermittant, I've
only seen it twice now over the weekend.

- Antenna SWR is flat, 1.0:1
- Palstar wattmeter indicates 100W out
- Band is 40M

Now, the strange part - very occasionally, the CW sidetone tone will
change to a more "labored" tone (can't quite describe it, other than
maybe a bit distorted, but it's very subtle), K2 reports a brief
HI-CUR, and Palstar wattmeter indicates about 140W output. If I
immediately go into high-power TUNE, it again indicates 100W and
everything is back to normal again. This whole scenario is on the
order of a few seconds in duration.

I looked through the archives and didn't find anything like this one.
Everything else appears to be working perfectly. I listened to my own
signal on another radio and it sounds clean to my ear, for whatever
that's worth, but of course I wasn't able to capture what it sounds
like under this intermittent higher output scenario.

Thanks for any ideas...

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