Intermittent no RX on 80/160 K2/100 #4029

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Intermittent no RX on 80/160 K2/100 #4029

Don - W6CZ
I thought this problem was related to the T/R switching problem I was having
and fixed (a no solder joint), but apparently I though that because I first
noticed that failure on 80 meters.

So I brought it into work today, and when I hooked it up to a service
monitor and put a signal into it - no problem. Damn! I hate intermittent.

I took the covers and the PA off and poked around. Looked particularly at
the band-pass and low-pass filters ad specifically around K2, K3 & K8. Also
looked around K13 in the VCO - but I don't think that is where the problem
is as it appeared to transmit - at least the KAT100 indicated 20 watts, and
since I don't have the 60M kit in, that relay is also common to 40 and 40
was working fine (I believe 30 was also, so that kinda eliminates K3). I
have cycled through the bands, no problem. It has been sitting on the bench
for an hour now with a signal into it working fine.

Any ideas? Am I missing something? It would be a LOT easier to find the
problem if it was broken.


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