I occidentally removed a pin from Z1 and soldered it back on its little
internal board. It looks OK, but when I try the VFO test, the K2 says
7100.00, goes to 7100.01, and then back to 7100.00. When I spin
backwards, it goes to 7099.99, then back to 7100.00. I take this to
mean that the 5V supply is OK (since it does something), the quadrature
outputs are OK (since it knows direction) but the clock is bad. The
clock is the pin I pulled off.
I traced the circuit on the internal board and the pin appears to be
connected, but my theory is that it somehow suffered some other damage.
Ordering a new one seems like a fairly expensive proposition, so I'd
like to ask if anyone has ideas about testing it out of circuit (just
apply 5V and look at the outputs on a scope?) or other possibilities for
problems that might coincidentally cause these symptoms.
Alternatively, does anybody who did the
http://www.wm5r.org/k2-100/encoders.shtml switch to a different encoder
have one that they don't want and would sell for less than a new one?
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