It's Alive!!!

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It's Alive!!!

Jeff Hetherington-2
Hey Everybody.

It's Alive!  It's Alive!!  Time for the Happy Dance.

It is official ... K2 #3375 is Now Alive and Well.

Finished the building on 25 January (my birthday ... what a present) and
plugged it in this afternoon.  Called a few CQ's, and made sure I could hear
myself on the KX1 across the room ... all seems well.

My XYL bought me an Elecraft HexKey #E087 for my birthday, so I will have
the full Elecraft Station set up and making some QSO's through the day to
try out all the features.

All I can say so far is WOW for both the K2 and the HexKey ...

A full report later ... off to lunch and then BACK ON THE AIR!  Should be
fun for a week or two before I break down, take it off the air and start on
the SSB board, I/O Board, Autotuner and 160m board.

  Jeff - VA3JFF
  K2 #3375
  HexKey #E087
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