It works again :-)

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It works again :-)

Ian Maude
Hi all,
Just thought I would let you know I fixed my problem with the 60m and
160m installs.  I checked and rechecked everything and all seemed fine
which had me scratching my head.  In the end, the problem was the
seating of the 60m board.  I think I had the 8 pin header connected but
not the 3 pin.  It is a swine to get right and you can't get your
fingers in to check but once I reinstalled it all sprung into life, joy

Now I could get onto the alignment.  I tuned everything but I cannot get
the 160m board within the 1v to 7.5v range and the 60m range is very
low.  These are the readings I am getting.  I have ignored those bands
where the readings are well within spec.

1800 - 3.1v 2000 - 7.99v
3500 - 2.6v 4000 - 7.49v
5300 - 1.0v 5450 - 1.45v

All the other bands are between 2.0v and 4.8v.  I shifted the vco to get
60m in spec and I guess this is why 160m is out but why does the 60m
band have such low values?  I cannot get more than about 6w out on 160m.

Any thoughts?

Ian Maude G0VGS Morecambe Lancs UK | [hidden email]
Sysop of GB7MBC, the Morecambe Bay Cluster
Running Linux and DXSpider | K2 #4044
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Re: It works again :-)

Don Wilhelm-3

Double check C75 on the RF board - be certain it is 470 pf (471).  You may
also want to check all the VCO range capacitors (C71 thru C75) while you are
at it too - you did change C71 to 120 pf did you not?

Nothing in the bandpass filter for 160 meters should have changed due to the
addition of the K60XV, so perhaps your 160 meter low power problem was
present before the K60XV addition.


----- Original Message -----

> Now I could get onto the alignment.  I tuned everything but I cannot get
> the 160m board within the 1v to 7.5v range and the 60m range is very
> low.  These are the readings I am getting.  I have ignored those bands
> where the readings are well within spec.
> 1800 - 3.1v 2000 - 7.99v
> 3500 - 2.6v 4000 - 7.49v
> 5300 - 1.0v 5450 - 1.45v
> All the other bands are between 2.0v and 4.8v.  I shifted the vco to get
> 60m in spec and I guess this is why 160m is out but why does the 60m
> band have such low values?  I cannot get more than about 6w out on 160m.

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