This appeared on the Eastern Iowa DX Association reflector. Some of the items may be of interest to people on this list. this is only a partial list of items.
David K0LUM
A longtime Honorary Life member of EIDXA, Lew Gordon K4VX of Hannibal, MO became a silent key in February, 2017. Below is a list of some of his items and equipment which are for sale. Anyone interested should contact Danny Pease, NG9R --
[hidden email] <mailto:
[hidden email]> 217-430-2046. Thanks.
Cliff KØCA
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
K4VX (SK) Items For Sale
Due to the circumstances, all items listed are being sold as is. Many items are known to have been used recently, other items were known to have been working when last used but may have sat unused for a few years. Some items nothing is known at all. Some very limited testing may be done on a case by case basis. Send all inquiries to Danny Pease,
[hidden email] <mailto:
[hidden email]> 217-430-2046
Elecraft K3S w/2.8 and 400 Hz filters, less than 2 years old, recently used $2500
OM Power 2000+ 160 – 6 meter amplifier, less than 3 years old, recently used $2500
Elecraft K2, currently configured as a 10 watt unit with optional battery pack, KAT2 internal tuner, K160RX 160 meter option, KNB2 noise blanker, K2SB SSB option, 60 meter and transverter interface, KIO2 serial port. Included will be the KPA-100 100 watt PA assembly. Everything worked when last used. This radio was built and tested by Tom Hammonds, NØSS (SK). $800
Elecraft XV-50 six meter transverter, worked when last used $200
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