I probably don't have to remind anyone on this list, but
I'll give it a shot anyway.
Jamboree On The Air is happening again this year! It's
estimated that over 400,000 Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Girl
Guides will be on the air, with the tremendous support of
the amateur radio fraternity. This is our opportunity to
promote the fun and wonders of our passion!
JOTA starts Saturday at 0001 hours local time and extends to
Sunday, 2359 hours local time, though some activity
continues over from Friday to Monday to take advantage of
long distance (DX) time differences. This is not a contest.
On the contrary, we hope hams will take the time to
communicate with every youth participant who might be
holding on to a mic for the first time!
JOTA hangs around the following "World Scouting
Band SSB (phone) CW (Morse code)
80 meters phone = 3.740 / 3.940 MHz
80 meters CW = 3.590 MHz
40 meters phone = 7.270 MHz
40 meters CW = 7.030 MHz
20 meters phone = 14.290 MHz
20 meters CW = 14.070 MHz
17 meters phone = 18.140 MHz
17 meters CW = 18.080 MHz
15 meters phone = 21.360 MHz
15 meters CW = 21.140 MHz
12 meters phone = 24.960 MHz
12 meters CW = 24.910 MHz
10 meters phone = 28.390 MHz
10 meters CW = 28.190 MHz
We hope to see you on the air! (The K2 will be busy!)
Phil Westover, WA7URV
Cascade Pacific Council Radio Scouting - K7RPC ("Radio
Program Center")
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