Joys of CW (skiing, an experiment in mixed metaphors)

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Joys of CW (skiing, an experiment in mixed metaphors)
Running a CW net reminds me of skiing the trees in deep powder. The same
exhilaration while being very much in the moment.

I plan the approximate path with my heart rate rising.  Then push off,
test how conditions let me ski, find the first tree, and set my jet turn
radius through each tree's bowl.  Any mistake instantly corrected before
I crash.  My focus narrows to the task at hand while my mind wanders
free, thinking of other things. "Must be ten below."  Tree.  "This snow
is great!"  Tree.  "Keep your tips up!"  Tree.

"Can I make a clean corner which flows into the next without error?" 
Can I gather four QNI in one call up?  Can I run the group cleanly?  Any
mistakes are fleeting because I'm quickly engaged with the next op. 
"Will that branch slap my face before I can get this pole up?"  Can I
change the sentence on the fly to cover that spelling error? :)

Logging happens between trees.  A moment's pause in sending, grab a
pencil, and write notes, temperatures, activities, RST, etc. Drop the
pencil, make a reply, and call the next op.  Once a rhythm is
established things flow effortlessly ;)  Change antennas and try again. 
Then I get to the lower slopes where speed slacks off and I'm working
ops at ESP levels.  The trees pass more slowly and I start to see the
bottom of the run.  When propagation has defined the depth of the catch
I annotate my list and announce it.  Then off to chores or back to the
lift?  Heart rate slows to resting.

    Let it SNOW!


          Kevin.  KD5ONS


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