K1 #1453 is on the air

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K1 #1453 is on the air

Fellow Elecrafters:

I'm pleased to report that Elecraft K1, s/n 1453, was completed Friday and
placed on the air for the first time.  The box was first opened to survey parts
in 12/02, so I definitely took my time assembling it.

Everything is working perfectly - no problems in assembly or alignment, 7
watts out on 40 M, 5 on 30, 20 & 15 M.  My initial impression is that ... I'm
impressed!  The rig sound great, works FB, has lots of really USEFUL as well as
NIFTY features, and it just looks good.

First 5-watt QSO was with JM7OLW, Suke in Fukushima, Japan, on 21.019 mHz.  
Also worked UA0AZ, Alex in Krasnoyarsk, on 14.035 a few hours later.  There may
be something to this "Elecraft mojo" after all!

Some suggestions for improvement, or actually enhancement, have already come
to mind.  A 10-15 db preamp would take full advantage of an already decent S/N
ratio, especially when using the FL3 setting on the audio filter.  That FL3
setting really deserves a narrower, 100 Hz bandwidth (versus the 200 Hz limit).
 A weight control for the built-in keyer would provide for customized CW.  
And this enhancement may run contrary to the "portable" theme of the rig, but a
switchable backlight for the LED display would sure be nice when the rig is
used "fixed station".

Two very minor "nits" to pick.  The "scratching" when turning the VFO pot
just feels a bit strange.  And the frequency stability, although exceptional when
the rig is not disturbed, does seem to change 100 Hz or so when the rig is
picked up off the table or handled to any degree.

Would like to hear others initial impressions on the rig.
73, Jim K5HO

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