K1 # 1605 in ARRL DX contest

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K1 # 1605 in ARRL DX contest

Hello dear elecrafter's

Just a fast summary on my activity during the ARRL contest in the QRP class

I was using my K1 #1605 rated at 5 watts (I can get more than that on 14 Mhz
!!) and my standard 2x20 m doublet + the BL1 balun + the KAT1.

I made 382 QSO during 15 hours of operation, and worked  74 multi on 2 bands
(14 and 21); 28 was closed for me (and by the way the K1 has no 28 mhz
capability (snifff ..) and 7 or 3.5 were out of reach for me with 5 watts.
Final score is 84.8 Kpts

The only multi I  missed were VE7UF and VE5SF on 14; I worked several W6 and
W7 on 14 and 21;
As usual I was able to have several QSO with the east coast at the lowest
power available (around 100 mW) : just for the fun of QRP !

Again I spent some very pleasant hours in front of my little K1 : and many
operators were giving good reports for the signal strength and keying

I hope to hear many of you during the next contests, perheaps now with
K2-100 !
73/72 de

Chris / F6FTB
KX1 #141 , K1 #1605, K2#644
and DSW30, DSW80, PSK20 + Rockmite 40/20 (which are also very fine little
QRP kits !!)

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