K1 20M / 15M Receive Problem

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K1 20M / 15M Receive Problem

Treat Hull
I recently completed a K1 with the 4-band board including the 20M and 15M
bands and I am having difficulty trouble-shooting a receiver problem on both
20M and 15M.


The receiver powered up fine and reception on 40M and 30M is much better
than my other rig, a Kenwood TS-50. At the same time, reception is very poor
on both 20M and 15M. I know the bands are open because I can receive CW on
the TS-50, but when I switch to the K1 with the same antenna, no signal are
detected, just noise.


I don't have a signal generator, so I tuned all the premix filters and rf
filters using my antenna and was able to get a good tuning peak on all


When I found the lousy performance on 20/15, I downloaded the K1
troubleshooting guide from the site and went through the routine for all
bands. The receiver checked out OK for all four bands using my antenna and a
series capacitor as a signal injector, but still no discernable CW on the K1
when I can hear things on the Kenwood.


I checked continuity on the toroids and, likewise, counted all the turns and
checked the polarity, and found no problems.


As a final check, I ran the TS-50 on low power into a dummy load and ran a
short wire antenna on the K-1 nearby. When I tested the K-1 this way, I
picked up the TS-50 output at the expected points on all bands, 20M and 15M


It sounds like the K1 will tune correctly a strong signal across all bands,
but that I'm not getting the expected sensitivity or gain on 20M and 15M.


Any suggestions for potential causes and trouble-shooting tips much


Treat Hull


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