K1-4 Filter Board New Trimmer Caps

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K1-4 Filter Board New Trimmer Caps

Vin Cortina
Perhaps I am reading something wrong here, but...

The new trimmers are correctly identified in the "Manual Errata", and it mentions they have a different shape from the old ones.  It says the narrow flattened end of the new ones correspond to the flat side as shown in the manual's figure1.  So far, so good.  The manual ALSO says proper insertion is critical so as to keep the rotor terminals at ground potential.  But when I insert the caps in this orientation, the exact opposite seems to be true, the pin which is electrically common to the rotor is NOT at the ground point on the Filter PC Board, the opposite pin is!

I can't imagine I am misunderstanding what the "narrow, flattened end" is, although, for the record, both ends are flattened.  But only one is narrow.

Any ideas guys?  I am bummed that I got exactly ONE part (R1) in before hitting my first snag.  But, we do it right the first time, right?

Thanks much!

Vin KR2F

Mount Tremper, NY
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