Thank you to the few folks that emailed me with their offers.
Unfortunately, <heavy sigh!> I guess my K1 is worth far less to others
than I expected it to be. I guess I had unreasonable expectations,
considering that the new kits to build a K1 with these options cost all
together about $560.00 plus the time to build. Maybe I'll give ebay a shot.
Thanks again everyone! Sorry I took up the bandwidth.
- Thor
Thor - N9IK wrote:
> I have a K1-4 for sale.
> K1-4, s/n 1065 with 4-band module
> 40, 30, 20 & 15 meter bands
> KNB1 Noise Blanker
> KAT1 Internal ATU
> KBT1 Internal Battery Adapter
> KTS1 Wide Range Tilt Stand
> And, of course all the documentation.
> Although I absolutely love this little rig, I don't get on the air much.
> Being temporarily without income, I need to let some of my "toys" go
> (to keep my XYL happy!).
> I you are interested, please reply direct; I will consider any serious
> offer. I will email pictures on request.
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