K1 Battery Holder

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K1 Battery Holder

Trev - K6ESE
Has anyone else notice that the K1's battery holder seems to warp a bit when
the batteries are left in for a few days?  The contacts still make contact,
but not as well. Is this heat related? I just got back from our
Yosemite/White Mountain trip, and I always take the batteries out when I
return. I had 3 sets of batteries (Maha 2000 mAH) on this trip along with
the car charger so that I didn't have to worry about leaving the radio on. I
noticed the battery holder warping after the first changing of the cells.
They had been in the rig 2 days. This isn't the first time I've had this
happen either, it happened to me in Joshua Tree while camping. Is there a
better, more robust battery holder that would fit in the same place? Has
anyone else had this problem?

73's Trev - K6ESE
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Re: K1 Battery Holder

Mike Morrow-3
Trev - K6ESE wrote:

>Has anyone else notice that the K1's battery holder seems to
>warp a bit when the batteries are left in for a few days?

Yes, almost all plastic AA cell holders of the type used in the KBT1 warp outward at the ends of the cells.  Some holders of this type will eventually split.  I would buy an extra cell holder or two, except for the fact I have permanently removed the KBT1 and returned to the original cover and larger speaker.

The problem is made worse by the use of high capacity cells (2000 mA-hr or greater), since these cells are often just slightly longer than standard AA cells.  I used 2000, 2100, or 2200 mA-hr cells in my KBT1.

Mike / KK5F
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