Has anyone else notice that the K1's battery holder seems to warp a bit when
the batteries are left in for a few days? The contacts still make contact,
but not as well. Is this heat related? I just got back from our
Yosemite/White Mountain trip, and I always take the batteries out when I
return. I had 3 sets of batteries (Maha 2000 mAH) on this trip along with
the car charger so that I didn't have to worry about leaving the radio on. I
noticed the battery holder warping after the first changing of the cells.
They had been in the rig 2 days. This isn't the first time I've had this
happen either, it happened to me in Joshua Tree while camping. Is there a
better, more robust battery holder that would fit in the same place? Has
anyone else had this problem?
73's Trev - K6ESE
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