K1 Builders

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K1 Builders

"G. Krämer"
  Hello K1 builders,

I  am currently (since Autumn last year) building K1 (no. 1550). It is
the first kit I am building and I am droping from problem into next
problem. Looks like soldering isn't my thing. Perhaps someone can help
with my actual problem. I have reached chapter 7. When I am doing the
LED-test the ATTN LED first turn on briefly yellow, then the RIT/XIT
turns on green and then red  (instead of orange), finally the ATTN LED
turns on again briefly orange. Any idea why?

The other thing is that the rig sucks (all LED off) 83 mA and 93 mA
(instead of around 55mA, mentioned in the manual).

It does most of the alignment and test in chapter 7 the correct way, but
I can't do receiver alignment as described in the KFL1-4 Manual. Even
using a hamradio transceiver on a dummy and a short piece of wire in the
antenna jacked I don't hear anything. First the rig is very quite, but
then - suddenly when doing some manipulations on it (but I can't find
out a specific manipulation that causes it) there is a lot of noise in
the loudspeaker (and the S-Meter shows on full scale).

If someone has any idea pleas give me a hint. Thanks very much!

vy 73 Gernot DL2FN
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