I acquired #589 as an unfinished kit last year. When I got it, I
discovered missing and misplaced components, incorrectly wound toroids,
and an area of the RF board with the traces burned off. Instead of
fixing this can of worms, I ordered a new RF board and components from
Elecraft. I rebuilt it, tested, and made a bunch of contacts. The
following is included:
- K1 #589, two band
- Two, 2-band filters (40/20m & 30/15m)
- KAT1 Internal ATU
- KNB1 Noise Blanker
- Finger Dimple
- K1LCD Blacklight Mod
- K6XX CW Indicator
- Original RF board (if you want it!) and a few spare parts
- Complete documentation
Reason for selling: I also have a K2 and K3 - the K1 gets very little use.
Asking $400 plus shipping. Any reasonable offer will be considered.
- 73, John, N0TA
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