K1 Frequency range.

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K1 Frequency range.

Stan AE7UT
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I'm getting to the point I have to choose the frequency range.
I'm pretty new to CW, with about 5 months operating.
My favorite places have been 7.050'ish and 7.115'ish.
I would say 90% of my operating has been there because I'm usually on late at night.
I'm probably going to be using this rig for camping with a portable antenna so I'm sure I'll be using more of 30, 20 and 15 meters.  

Any help would be very welcome.

Stan AE7UT.
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Re: K1 Frequency range.

Stan AE7UT
Thanks for the help Gil.

Stan AE7UT
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Re: K1 Frequency range.

In reply to this post by Stan AE7UT
You will want the wider range. It will cover the freqs you want on 40m and also allow you to get to WWV on 30m.
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Re: K1 Frequency range.

Don Baucom
In reply to this post by Stan AE7UT
I went with the smaller range. As you pick up speed, you will find yourself migrating to the lower portion of the band. Once you hit 20wpm, a couple of 8 wpm QSO's will use up all of your alloted shack time ( I assume your married). SOTA usually is not above .061 so your ok there. I have not tuned a K1 with the 150 spread, but mine is a joy to tune with the 80. very nice and spread out.