K1 Frequency range.

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K1 Frequency range.

Gil G.
> Hi Stan,
> I set mine up for 150kHz. I don't find it difficult at all to use, the only exception being for LSB signals on 40m. Otherwise, no problem. For 15m, you'll be happy to have the extra bandwidth.
> Gil.
> --
> New site: http://radiopreppers.com
> PGP Key: http://keskydee.com/gil.asc
> On Aug 10, 2012, at 5:21 PM, Stan AE7UT wrote:
>> I'm getting to the point I have to choose the frequency range.
>> I'm pretty new to CW, with about 5 months operating.
>> My favorite places have been 7.050'ish and 7.115'ish.
>> I would say 90% of my operating has been there because I'm usually on late
>> at night.
>> I'm probably going to be using this rig for camping with a portable antenna
>> so I'm sure I'll be using more of 30, 20 and 15 meters.  
>> Any help would be very welcome.
>> TNS ES 73
>> Stan AE7UT.

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