K1 & KBT1

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K1 & KBT1

Steve Lawrence-2
On my KBT1 I installed a set of RC connectors so I can swap tops. To be
generous, the KBT1 speaker is a compromise.  I always operate with
headphones, so a speaker is otherwise superfluous for me.

What I'd like to see is a K1 top without a speaker that holds 10-12 AA
NiMH cells and the circuitry for charging them with a connector on the
back for the charging voltage input. A connector for an external
speaker would be a simple add.

In other words, I rather have an optional plug in speaker when needed
rather than having to open up the K1 to charge the batteries.

73, Steve WB6RSE

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Re: K1 & KBT1

Mike Morrow-3
Steve wrote:

>What I'd like to see is a K1 top ... with a connector on the
>back for the charging voltage input.

I would *not* be comfortable charging batteries inside the K1 case, since
there's no barrier around the batteries to prevent chemical leakage on to
the K1 PCBs.

>A connector for an external speaker would be a simple add.

That connector is already there.  The audio output to the speaker is exactly
the same as the output to the phones.  That's one reason it's an advantage
to connect the K1 phone jack for for a mono plug (disconnect the "ring"
connection).  Then the plug for mono phones or an external speaker can be
inserted fully without shorting the audio to ground.

Mike / KK5F

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Re: K1 & KBT1

Steve Lawrence-2
Mike - A new design could have a sealed holder for the batteries or at
least some sort of tray. But I don't share your general concern if the
batteries are of established quality and the charging circuit is
designed correctly.

Speaker wise, I use stereo phones so a jumper from the board to a
separate connector on the back of the top for an external speaker would
preserve the existing functionality that I prefer.

73, Steve WB6RSE

On Aug 27, 2004, at 8:17 AM, Mike Morrow wrote:

> Steve wrote:
>> What I'd like to see is a K1 top ... with a connector on the
>> back for the charging voltage input.
> I would *not* be comfortable charging batteries inside the K1 case,
> since
> there's no barrier around the batteries to prevent chemical leakage on
> to
> the K1 PCBs.
>> A connector for an external speaker would be a simple add.
> That connector is already there.  The audio output to the speaker is
> exactly
> the same as the output to the phones.  That's one reason it's an
> advantage
> to connect the K1 phone jack for for a mono plug (disconnect the "ring"
> connection).  Then the plug for mono phones or an external speaker can
> be
> inserted fully without shorting the audio to ground.
> 73,
> Mike / KK5F
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