K1 / KX1 Zero beat

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K1 / KX1 Zero beat

Michael Babineau
[hidden email] wrote :

 > This brings up an interesting question: how do most folks zero beat
the KX1
 > and the K1 without the reference beat available on the K2? Is there a
 > way  than just sort of guessing (my technique so far)?

Well on the K1 I usually engage the narrow filter and tune for peak
audio signal. That
seems to work pretty well for me.

On the KX1, I crank the variable filter down to about  500 hz BW and
tune for peak audio signal.
Note that if you crank the variable filter all the way down the center
frequency of the
filter will most likely shift down below 600 Hz  (it does on mine) so
you don't want to
set the filter to its narrowest setting when doing this.

You can always check at how good of a job you are doing by piping the
audio output
from the rig into Spectogram or even something like Digipan on your PC
as this will
give you a fairly accurate reading of the audio frequency.

Michael VE3WMB

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